Blogging & Photography Questions
What type of camera and lens do you use?
Camera body: Canon Mirrorless M50
Lens: Many of the pictures are shot on the 15-45 mm kit lens that came with this camera, but you will be seeing more pictures shot with a 100 mm lens in 2023 and later. The kit lens was sufficient as a starting photography lens and quite budget friendly.
Where do you get your props from?
A variety of places! Some at Value Village (used goods stores), AliBaba for cheaper props that do the job well (I got a set of really good quality gold plated cutlery from there and I use it constantly!), I’ve heard Crate&Barrel is a great place (although I haven’t been). Local grocery stores (such as Walmart or superstores) that sell kitchen items along with food also have kitchen props. Other items I use can be pieces of cloth around my house, paper bags, even packaging that comes in with the items I’ve ordered – the brown paper bag aesthetic works nicely in photos. It’s all about getting creative with what you can mix and match to build your own unique collection!
Where do you get your backdrops from?
AliBaba is where many of my backdrops are from, as well as bright one-color bristol boards from the Dollar Store. Staples, Michaels and other craft stores also have great selections.
Which platform do you use to host your website and where did you get it designed from?
I use Bluehost to host my WordPress website. I also used a WordPress-friendly theme (Cookely) to design the website. These are all paid services (if you want to own a .com website as well as having the same theme).
What do you use for photo editing?
I use Adobe Lightroom for photo editing, and I shoot my photos in RAW format.
You can check out my photography and blogging recommendations over at Resources!